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ADR Touch SOLO 2000 BS EN Compression Machine with Digital Readout and Self Cent

ADR Touch SOLO 2000 BS EN Compression Machine with Digital Readout and Self Cent

The ADR Touch range of 2000 kN and 3000 kN capacity compression machines has been designed to meet the need for reliable and consistent testing. The load frame is a welded steel fabrication carrying the ball-seated upper platen. Positively located on the loading ram, which is protected from debris by a flexible cover, the lower platen is marked for the centring of cube and cylinder specimens. Self-centring lower platens for cube location are supplied as standard on EN machines and are available as an optional extra on the standard machine. The two machines for cube testing to EN standards are assembled and aligned using a special compression frame stability tester.

    The dimensions of the frame allow the testing of concrete cylinders up to 320 mm long x 160 mm diameter, 150 and 100 mm square cubes, and on EN/BS machines, 200 mm square cubes. Kerbs and flagstones may also be tested on ADR machines as well as 150 mm and 100 mm square section beams to ASTM C78 using the optional 100 kN flexural frames which are connected to the power pack.

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